Anthurium Papillilaminum X1
Anthurium Papillilaminum X1
Plant Care Guide:
Bright Indirect Light: 6 ~ 8h
Temperature: 19 ~ 26°C
Humidity: > 60%
Water: When mostly dry
🪴 Common Name: Anthurium Papi Xone, Anthurium X1
🪴 Extra-Large: LxW: 12.5 x7" (32 x 18cm)
🪴 Introduction: Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 is a rare plant and known for its heart-shaped dark green velvety leaves with long and pointed at the end of the leaf.
Anthurium papillilaminum X1 is highly valued for its robust genetics and the distinct characteristics it can impart to its offspring. When crossed with other species or varieties, this plant contributes traits such as large, textured leaves and an enhanced growth vigor, making it a cornerstone for creating new, visually appealing hybrid generations. These hybrids are often developed to combine the best features of both parent plants, leading to a diverse array of new cultivars that vary in leaf shape, color, and overall plant structure.